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Interior Slate

Slate is a natural product produced over time by heat and pressure and only shaped by man. The process is "simple" resulting in a clean, fresh, and distinctively natural look. This makes slate an attractive choice for renovations and new construction.

 slate tiles

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Historic Black Natural Cleft

A classic stone with a charcoal gray color. The surface of these tiles are uniform with only slight variation of gray. This slate is textured both visually and to the touch.

Historic Black Natural Cleft. A classic stone with a chacoal gray color. The surface of these tiles are uniform with only slight variation of gray. This slate is textured both visually and to the touch.

Historic black honed

Charcoal gray in color with natural markings and gradations of the slate. This smooth slate is suitable for tile flooring and counter top applications.

Historic Blac Honed. Charcoal gray in olor with natural markings and gradations of the slate. This smooth slate is suitable for tile floorin and counter top applications.

Historic gray natural cleft

Battleship gray in color there is very little variation between tiles. The natural texture creates a beautiful and uniform feel to any room.

Historic Gray Natural Cleft. Battleship gray in color there is very little variation between tiles. The natural textur creates a beautiful and uniform feel to any room.

Historic gray honed

This smooth slate has much more variation than it's natural cleft counterpart. These tiles have characteristics "watermarks" highlighting the visible elements within the slate. This stone is most commonly used in flooring applications.

Historic Gray Honed. This smooth slate hs much more variation than its natual cleft counterpat. These tile have characteristics "watermarks" highlighing the visible elements within th slate. This stone is most commonly used in flooring applications.

Slate wall cladding

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Although traditionally used for roofing purposes Vermont slate can be custom ordered for tile projects as well.

Interior Slate Wall Cladding is a great way to add a natural look and feel to your Home

Interior slate wall cladding is a greatway to add a naturl look and feel to your home.
Different vermont slate colors can be intalled together to make a custom slate blend.

different slate colors can be installed together to make a custom slate  blend

slate Wall cladding uses smaller sized slate tiles installed with zero headlap to reduce weight and cost

Slate wall cladding uses smaller sized slate tiles installed with zero headlap to reduce weght and cost.

Structural slate

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We are a wholesale supplier of natural slate slabs.
Size 87" x 51" 
2cm or 3cm thickness available


Historic Gray Honed. Virginia Slate Company. Perfect for indoor and outdoor use.

natural cleft

Virginia Slate Company! Historic Slate. Structural Slate. Pefect for both outdoor use and indoor use.
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